Nitro Premium Garden Soil
Nitro Premium Garden Soil by WLS is made from a nutrient-rich mixture of well-composted fine organics, natural mineral soil and well-graded, washed sands. It has the feel and earthy smell of a natural sandy loam from the farm.
The well-balanced mixture allows Premium Soil to absorb well and drain optimally (not too fast, not too slow) without going hard or hydrophobic as long as it is well mulched. It is suited for general garden beds, flower beds and plants. The carefully controlled composting process kills seeds and weeds giving your garden the best start possible.
For best results and high yields of fruit and veg, consider either using our Nitro Ultimate Soil or otherwise adding Enriched Compost, Rocky Point Active 8 soil improver and one of our organic fertilisers as required. Always mulch your garden to prevent overheating soil, retain moisture and prevent weeds. Soil that is not mulched tends to go hard and dry and may repel water.