FormBoss Redcor Ang Stake 600mm
Depending on what you’re trying to achieve, there are a range of staking options available for FormBoss® Steel Garden Edging Systems. The general rule of thumb for selecting the right stake is making sure the stake is more than twice the profile height as a minimum.
The first option is the tapered stake. It’s ideal for edging profiles up to 185mm high, and works great at strengthening and anchoring most standard applications.
For general applications we strongly recommend 3 stakes spaced out evenly per length of steel (2.44m). This works out to be every 813mm. Generally you’ll just place one in the centre and one at each end about 400mm from your connection. These stakes are sold individually.
The second option is the angled stakes. These stakes are specially manufactured to suit both higher strength jobs and retaining applications.
Generally you space angled stakes at the same *3 per length (every 813mm). If you have a high strength job such as a straight 400mm retaining wall, or steps of any size, it is highly recommended to increase the quantity to *4 per length, this will work out to be spacing them every 610mm. If your steps are narrow you’ll need a minimum of 1 angled stake per side. You insert the top edge of the stake under the lip of the edging the same as you would with the tapered stakes. Angled stakes are sold individually.
It’s important that you use a rubber mallet to knock these stakes in. A metal hammer will fold the top edge of the stake over and make it impossible to insert it under the lip of the edging.
Sometimes, especially for the 1200mm stakes, it is necessary to pre-dig out the area where the stake is going. A motorized post hole digger is fantastic for the 1200mm stakes, fill your hole up with concrete if you want the strongest retaining wall possible.